It is Gods will that all His children be fruitful, from the beginning he commanded mankind to be fruitful and to replenish the earth. Every form of unfruitfulness whether in mankind,
animals or plants is not from God.
Therefore, these powerful prayer points for the fruit of the womb have been carefully compiled for all those waiting on God for a divine child.
This prayer points will guide you to prayer against every form of unfruitfulness in your
womb. You are going to be crying in faith to the God of Fruitfulness and multiplication to
intervene in your situation.
“With God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37;
All you need to do is approach him in prayer by faith, as Hannah did in Shiloh (I Samuel 1). Jesus said; “Ask and ye shall receive.”
Matthew 7:7. He also said; “If you ask anything in my name I will do it.” John 14:14. Please
take this prayer very serious, trusting God that in the next 9months you'll carry your baby
and testify, in Jesus name.
This prayer is meant for the following people:
- Those experiencing long term barrenness.
- Those having constant miscarriages.
- Those having no hope of pregnancy.
- Those having issues with infertility.
- Those under a serious threat of divorce/separation as a result of barrenness
According to the following Scriptures God wants us to be fruitful:
And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the
earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of
the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”Gen. 1:28
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward. Ps.
He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children.
Praise ye the LORD, Ps. 113:9
Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive
shoots around your table. Ps. 128:3
There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy
days I will fulfil.Ex. 23:26
From the above Scriptures, we can see that the fruit of the womb is God’s will for His
Children. Barrenness is not part of His plan for us, therefore, we are confident that God will
hear you as you call upon him in prayers because the Bible says that if we ask according to
His will, He will hear us. I John 5:14
God will hear you just like he heard a sister who had been trusting God for the fruit of the
womb. She came to Lagos all the way from Delta State with a confirmed Doctor’s report
that her womb was damaged beyond fix, so she won’t be able to give birth again. Then
she attended a Service at this commission, where the Lord spoke through His servant
that by the next year, she will be carrying her baby despite doctors’ reports. After the
program, she left for her base in Delta State and taking great advantage of the
“SOLUTION WATER” (a supernatural fire and power government certified bottled
water from this commission). The following month, she discovered that she was
pregnant. God saw her through during the 9 months. Only the Omnipotent power of God
could make this possible. Today she has them a boy and a girl… glory!!!
Beloved, nothing is too hard for God to do. As you pray this prayer with earnest
expectation, just like Hannah, you will carry your own babies, in the name of Jesus.
CONFESSION: Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb is His reward; it is written, none shall be barren in the land, therefore I shall not be barren, I will be like a fruitful vine within my house; my children will be like olive plants around my table, I will have my quiver full of children and I shall not be put to shame. Behold, I shall be blessed because I fear the LORD. The LORD will bless me from Zion and I will see prosperity all the days of your life, in the name of Jesus. Psalm 127: 1-5, Psalm 128:3-4, Deut 7:14.
- Lord I thank you for the wonder working power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus
- I bless you Lord because you are the source of all fruitfulness, in the name of Jesus
- Thank you Lord for keeping me and all that concerns me in perfect peace, in the name of Jesus
- Thank you Lord for loading me with daily benefits, in the name of Jesus
- Thank you Lord for turning my challenges to testimonies, in the name of Jesus
- I thank you for making a way for me where there seems to be no way, in the name of Jesus
- Thank you, for giving me the grace to wait on you and not man, in the name of Jesus
- I appreciate you for you are the giver of Children, in the name of Jesus
- Please be merciful unto me, in the name of JESUS
- Let not my voice irritate you and my prayers abominable, in the name of JESUS
- Please set me free from every pastsin, in the name of JESUS.
- I have resolved to worship you in holiness, in the name of JESUS.
- Please establish me strongly in your righteousness in JESUS name.
- Powers holding me in captivity, catch fire, in the name of Jesus
- Thunder of God, locate the coven judging my child birth, in the name of Jesus
- Garment of imprisonment cast upon me, catch fire, in the name of Jesus
- Every demonic police assigned to arrest my marital peace catch fire, in the name of Jesus
- Evil marks working in my body, catch fire, in the name of Jesus
- Every tongue enchanting and divining against my laughter, in the name of Jesus
- My Father, pass through my earthly husband to settle my child bearing, in the name of Jesus
- Lord, hold my womb and open it for children, in the name of Jesus
- Dependable God, anoint my womb and let there be positive result, in the name of Jesus
- Father in your power, change my position to suit my pregnancy, in the name of Jesus
- By your power, make me a mother of Children, in the name of Jesus
- Strongholds of miscarriage assigned against my fruitfulness scatter, in the name of Jesus
- Lord Jesus, make the growing of my baby (babies) be normal, in the name of Jesus
- O Great Physician, be my doctor and deliver my baby for me, in the name of Jesus
- Path of darkness and death against my delivery, close by fire, in the name of Jesus
- Tree of still birth growing in my womb, catch fire, in the name of Jesus
- Father prepare a name for my baby before delivery as unto Sarah, in the name of Jesus
- O God arise, bring out a strong breakthrough to suit the coming of my baby, in the name of Jesus.
- God of Mercy, let me and my children live for you all the days of their lives, in the name of Jesus
- Evil net spread to catch my answered prayers, catch fire, in the name of Jesus
- Every gang up in the heavenlies against my answered prayers, scatter, in the name of Jesus
- Anointing that scatters evil arrangement, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus
- Every effort to frustrate the angel of my answererd prayer scatter, in the name of Jesus
- I nullify every new strategy of darkness by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus
- Anything in me that will resist this answered prayer be uprooted, in the name of Jesus
- Thank you Father because I know you have answered my prayers, in the name of Jesus